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Social Media Disclaimer | Crypto Key Media

The following describes the Social Media Disclaimer for www.cryptokeymedia.com.

Social Media Issues

In today’s digital age, while privacy rights are highly valued, there is an unprecedented voluntary sharing of personal and even trivial life details with the world, including on our Crypto Key Media website. While this may seem harmless, the dangers of unchecked public disclosure of sensitive information are becoming evident.

Major social media platforms are being sued for unauthorized or abusive use of personal information. Failure to protect and warn users may become critical issues. Lawsuits are being filed seeking damages for statements deemed responsible for causing harm, including death or suicide. Bloggers, who may assume they operate with absolute freedom of speech, are losing civil cases for defamation, slander, libel, and other related issues.

As social media technology evolves, enabling more sophisticated and easy dissemination, the fallout from unbounded revelation is increasing. Therefore, a balanced approach to enjoying the benefits of social media while avoiding the pitfalls of imprudent disclosure is essential for an enjoyable and safe online experience on our Crypto Key Media website.

Presence/Scope of Social Media

Assume that social media is in use on our Crypto Key Media website. Actions such as endorsing a person, product, or service build a profile about you, which can be discovered by others. Sharing a website via direct button press or email forwarding might not stop with the intended recipient, creating a domino effect of information dissemination that could start right here on our site.

Simple actions like blog comments can trigger knee-jerk reactions that may not truly reflect your considered position. Using login credentials from one site to access another can accumulate a dossier on your online behavior, revealing more than you might realize or want. Any or all of these features may exist on our Crypto Key Media website at various times.

These examples highlight some ways social media can operate, though this list is not exhaustive, and new technologies will quickly render it outdated. The objective is to understand the reach of social media, its presence on websites, including ours, and develop a responsible approach to using it.

Protecting Others

Disclosures made on social media platforms, including this website, rarely affect only the individual making them. Often, they involve group matters or third parties. What may seem amusing at one moment can be tragic in the next, and subtle public retaliations can have lasting repercussions.

The ideal use of social media on our website would confine disclosures primarily to matters concerning you, not others. If in doubt, err on the side of non-disclosure. The disclosure is unlikely so significant that it outweighs the importance of protecting the interests of others inadvertently exposed by your actions.

Protecting Yourself

Consider the long-term effects of publicly sharing private information about yourself on our Crypto Key Media website. Opinions, preferences, and other personal details can change over time. Publicly sharing your current views may conflict with future perspectives, yet these past declarations remain part of your public profile. While sharing trivial details may seem inconsequential, other information can have significant consequences, potentially affecting employment or other life opportunities.

Exercise extreme caution before revealing personal information. If in doubt, it is likely best not to share. The short-term gain may be outweighed by future consequences. Note that we are not responsible for removing content once shared, and we may not be able to do so.

Restrictions on Use of Social Media Data

As a visitor to our Crypto Key Media website, you are not permitted to mine social media or other platforms for personal information related to others. Even if data is publicly displayed, it does not grant liberty to capture, reproduce, or reuse that information. Social media and related platforms on our website are for interactive use only during the website visit.

Accuracy of Social Media Data

Since social media platforms rely on user-generated content, consider this when determining the authenticity of what you read. We are not responsible for verifying user-generated content for accuracy. Best practices would be to view all such content as opinion rather than fact.

Potential Issues of Liability

Be mindful that your words could trigger liability for harm caused to others. While you have the right to free speech, you do not have the right to damage others. Under basic principles of tort law, you are personally responsible for situations where:

  1. You were required to act but did not (i.e., some “duty of care”).
  2. You were required to refrain from acting but did not (i.e., slander, defamation, etc.).

These actions or inactions could cause problems irrespective of whether you assert conducting business under a business entity. Illegal and unethical conduct remains such, even if done in the name of a corporation or LLC. If you need legal advice regarding your situation or legal issues stemming from this website or another, consult a licensed attorney.

Change Notice

As with any of our administrative and legal notice pages, the contents of this page can and will change over time. This page could read differently on your next visit. These changes are necessitated and carried out by Crypto Key Media to protect you and our website. If this page is important to you, check back frequently as no other notice of changed content will be provided before or after the changes take effect.

Copyright Warning

The legal notices and administrative pages on this website, including this one, have been drafted by an attorney. We at Crypto Key Media have paid to license the use of these legal notices and administrative pages for your protection and ours. Unauthorized use is policed via Copyscape to detect violators.


If you have any questions about the contents of this page or wish to reach us for any other reason, you may do so by following this link: Crypto Key Media.

CryptoKeyMedia © 2025. All rights reserved.

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